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#Klimastreik am 20. September: Zusammen mit Fridays for Future auf die Straße!

For the Climate and for Justice!

Renewables instead of fracking, coal and nuclear!

From extreme forest fires in France and drought catastrophes in Italy, to record-breaking heat in Germany - the climate crisis is racing towards us. More and more people around the world are suffering from its consequences. Species are dying out and agriculture and food production are becoming increasingly difficult due to extreme weather events. If we do not succeed in limiting global warming to 1.5 degrees, we face a climate catastrophe that can no longer be stopped.

The governing coalition’s official position is to stay within the 1.5-degree limit, but the current plans are just not sufficient. The coalition has suspended the emergency climate protection programme and the FDP is blocking important measures in the transport sector, ranging from speed limits to the reduction of climate-damaging subsidies. All while the self-proclaimed "climate chancellor" Olaf Scholz still backs investments in fossil energies. 

Additionally, we are feeling the impact of the last government´s massive delay in delivering on the energy transition and creating dependency on Russian energy imports. As a result of Russia's war of aggression on Ukraine, which violates international law, energy prices and inflation are skyrocketing. Many people can hardly pay gas bills, or meet rising food prices or rent. 

And now parts of the government and opposition are rooting for the old climate killers: fracking, coal and nuclear power to replace the lack of Russian gas and to curb energy prices. Climate protection and social justice are being played off against each other. We will not allow this! 

The traffic light coalition must take action: For rigorous climate protection and more social and global justice, we will take to the streets on Friday 23 September together with Fridays for Future. We demand that the federal government...

  • ...consequently phases out coal, gas, oil and nuclear power: To achieve this, we must rely on renewable energies much faster and more consistently than in the past, whilst staying environmentally friendly. Simultaneously, we need to increase efforts to save energy and consistently convert to an emission-free heat supply. 

  • ...brings a fundamental change in transport policy. Climate-damaging subsidies for, for example, diesel and company cars must end now. Instead of spending billions on new roads, these must be invested in attractive and affordable bus and rail services and a good cycling infrastructure.

  • ...contributes enough money for a third relief package to provide targeted relief for people with low incomes. The government must not save now, exasperating the crisis. It must secure money for future investments by providing loans and taxing excess profits of corporations as well as high incomes and wealth. 

  • ...provides greater support for countries of the Global South, which suffer most from global warming, in overcoming the climate crisis. Germany must advocate for an international mechanism for financing climate damage at the next climate summit. 

Instead of fracking, coal and nuclear, we back renewable energies, energy efficiency and energy saving as well as a socially just climate protection. Join us on Friday, 23 September and become part of the worldwide climate strike by Fridays for Future.



© Björn Obmann / BUNDJugend Berlin